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cathann Dolly{|}You are so lucky because I have tried different times,different days and I do wait till it is at 0000 and I get sold out every time and my account is all set up too and color etc!! Very few people get through!!

Dolly 09/09/2017
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cathann csxcsxcsx{|}That is so unfair!!

dipal123 09/09/2017
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cathann MeatCube{|}Why should we say thank you when you can't buy anything? How can 50 items sell within half a second?

MeatCube 09/09/2017
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cathann ionu{|}I totally agree with you!! I used a timer and their timer is off and everything I wanted it was not even half a second and it was sold out!! It has been very disappointing to say the least!! If they do this kind of sale again I will be buying anything and I will not waste my time!! You can't tell me that 50 items are sold in half a second come on!! I think it is rigged too, only a few get to buy the rest well get nothing!!

ionu 09/09/2017
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