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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
ionu 09/09/2017
PLEASE ALL! REALIZE THAT THIS IS A LOTTERY AND YOU ARE VERY UNLIKELY TO WIN. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. I did the timings and the most popular items are sold out in under 3 seconds. A single transaction CAN NOT be done via paypal in under 3 seconds period. Their whole system is flawed or rigged therefore. AGAIN do not waste your time.
Comentários (4)
  • tabarra ionu{|}You just need to click the button, and then you have whole 20 minutes to complete they payment.

    Resposta 09/09/2017
  • Dagut ionu{|}the are sold within 0.01 of second. So it's far not 3 secs...

    Resposta 09/09/2017
  • cathann ionu{|}I totally agree with you!! I used a timer and their timer is off and everything I wanted it was not even half a second and it was sold out!! It has been very disappointing to say the least!! If they do this kind of sale again I will be buying anything and I will not waste my time!! You can't tell me that 50 items are sold in half a second come on!! I think it is rigged too, only a few get to buy the rest well get nothing!!

    Resposta 09/09/2017
  • Gautam cathann{|}100% fake sale.
    okitel k3 50 unit sold in only one click.

    banggood make fool everyone

    Resposta 09/09/2017
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