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pendersricardo ThisLCD display only works with I2C, that's because of the extra PCB board on the backside which makes it easy to connect to an Arduino Nano for example as I do it personally, if you have the Arduino ... Ver mais

2021-09-06 10:01:28 Útil (1)
Respostas (4)

Venkat Bare copper is fairly resistant to corrosion, but when it is used in wet environments or places with high humidity, it can quickly become damaged. When bare copper is operating at temperatures that e... Ver mais

2020-01-10 02:10:29 Útil (0)
Respostas (1)

grumpy_gnome Do a search for "LCD 2004A datasheet". based on a look at the results, most of these panels seem to use an Hitachi HD44780 or compatible LCD controller. See results from systronix or hobbytronics.... Ver mais

2019-08-28 20:03:57 Útil (5)
Respostas (1)