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billgeo Out of the box, it will not. You need to have an RF gateway that is compatible with Google Home.

2022-02-13 04:58:45 Útil (0)
respostas (2)

Q: Does this sensor work with Ewelink App?

perguntado por BG175309161 sobre 2021-09-26 01:49:41

billgeo You will need the SONOFF RF gateway for that.

2021-09-26 06:52:09 Útil (1)
respostas (1)

Q: Hi!How connect a zigbee bridge?

perguntado por novatehnicsystems sobre 2021-07-05 04:21:46

billgeo This does NOT work with zigbee. It's an RF 433MHz device.

2021-07-05 04:30:45 Útil (0)
respostas (1)

Q: is this a 510 connector?

perguntado por squireld sobre 2020-11-05 04:39:44

billgeo is seems to be, yes

2020-11-12 02:45:14 Útil (0)
respostas (3)

billgeo The battery type is 18650. You can find them everywhere almost (they are widely used in e-Cigarettes and flashlights), but I suggest buying a known brand like LG, SAMSUNG or SONY. Expect to pay around 3-5$ per cell you buy, for the name-brand ones

2020-10-17 11:39:16 Útil (0)
respostas (1)