Todas as mensagens

Q: Does this work with Xiaomi Android app?

perguntado por Magzen sobre 2019-12-03 01:29:28

BG181213182 with hub and app depending on which hub you use

2022-03-05 03:26:54 Útil (0)
respostas (2)

Q: is it compatible with moeshouse tuya hub???

perguntado por PETROS sobre 2020-08-25 01:47:07

BG181213182 no

2022-02-21 02:21:42 Útil (0)
respostas (2)

Q: I can´t use it with my RFID-RC522 arduino reciver any idea?

perguntado por Arttorres sobre 2018-01-20 02:12:46

BG181213182 125khz only

2022-02-16 01:04:11 Útil (0)
respostas (4)