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Q: 30.05 bestellt. bislang keine Info wann die Ware rausgeht. eine Frechheit!

perguntado por BG222416143 sobre 2023-06-20 08:14:42

bu775 Never mind,mine came this morning lol

2023-06-30 04:03:27 Útil (1)
respostas (2)

Q: Does this come with the multi-compatible gimbal mount that is shown?

perguntado por BG232343155 sobre 2023-06-18 12:20:56

bu775 Mine only came with some zip ties,spare screws,stickers and a couple extra foam landing pads

2023-06-30 04:02:15 Útil (2)
respostas (3)

Q: Is the Gimbal for the Action Cam in the Box?

perguntado por BG572317100 sobre 2023-06-18 07:42:56

bu775 mine didn't come with one

2023-06-30 04:00:03 Útil (0)
respostas (3)

bu775 Here in the UK you're not allowed to defend yourself anyway,it's "the law" The police on the other hand can carry and use pepper spray,tasers and these batons as they see fit,and they do more often than not.

2021-01-14 10:08:50 Útil (3)
respostas (4)