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Q: Hello, you can send the wiring diagram for this watch

perguntado por Ivan86 sobre 2019-10-03 02:19:07

Jaka57 I can't post link to schematic diagram. Just google it "IV11 TH SCHEMATIC" .

2020-04-30 08:55:09 Útil (1)
respostas (3)

Jaka57 Yes, I've got 3 A473J (47k) and 3 A103J (10k) and I've soldered all A103J. Anyhow It should work with mixed resistors, because this resistors are conected from anode (segment) to +27V and grid is connected to +27V through 470E. So each 2803 open collector output will drain cca. 2.7mA.

2020-04-30 08:49:42 Útil (2)
respostas (3)

Jaka57 Did you check Video and Picture resolution, analog Video output and other functionality of device?

suveer1103 24/09/2018
Comentários (1)