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Q: Excuse me for ignorance. Where's the cotton in this atomizer?

perguntado por coutmelo sobre 2019-07-01 12:34:41

mattm This is a non-wicked vapouriser, and as such doesn't have a cotton wick. Instead the substance to be vapourised contacts the thin walled quartz that isolates the element from the liquid/resin. This is theoretically superior to a wicked system, because nickel and chrome at high temperatures can act as catalysts and cause chemical reactions when brought into contact with or organic compounds such as found in resins and vape liquids, possibly producing dangerous byproducts. With a quartz envelope keeping the heating element isolated from the resin/liquid, such catalytic reactions are prevented.

2019-08-26 10:46:42 Útil (0)
respostas (1)

mattm Thecircuitry on the PCB is designed to automatically handle either 110V or 220/240V, and would probably work across a wider range of voltages if required. The only difference between a 240V and 110V version is the plug, and there's no circuitry in the plug.

2019-08-22 05:47:32 Útil (1)
respostas (1)