
Q: hello, can you give me the procedure to follow to have the 3D. Cordially

perguntado por BG483103615 sobre 2022-09-16 07:04:44

Carginga At this point in time (current firmware) the only way to watch 3D content is by using Side by Side or Over Under files and pop playing back via Media Player on the projector or by Kodi etc on eternal device and then using Projector remote to activate 3D side by side or over under. 3D BluRays via external 3D Palyer and 3D BluRay ISO files do not currently work. Message displayed is display doesn't support 3D.

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Q: Hello, does it play videos in 3D ISO format?

perguntado por BG323278365 sobre 2022-09-05 09:16:55

Carginga At this point (current firmware version) the only way to play 3D is Side by Side or Over Under 3D downloads. 3D BluRay Player and playing from 3D BluRay ISO you get message "Your display does not support 3D".

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Q: global version????

perguntado por BG914384233 sobre 2022-08-31 12:25:52

Carginga Yeah it's the Global Version. I would still recommend using Google TV, Apple TV box etc for best result.

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