TyLee81 just ordered one have an idea to fix the turning on problem to many +'s not to try
Resposta 26/03/2021Polymeros Ihave a few of these and had the same issue, the lack of a lock mode. Turns out that if you triple click to turn the UV LED on and then click and hold for a few seconds, the light flashes and turns into lock mode. It then needs a prolonged press to turn on. It is not the quickest lock I have seen but it works and makes the light usable on a keychain.
Resposta 04/06/2021Orange_1 Voah "Polymeros" worsk like a charm. Where did you get this solution? Did you figure it out by yourself? Just great. I wouldn't figure it out in milion years. I wouldn't even try all the combination possible. Once again, thank Polymeros!
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