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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
martingkenny 14/08/2020
Good value for money and fairly well thought out design. I had to drill new holes in the motor mount as original holes were too close together and suit a 2212-13 size motor which is way to small for this plane. Battery compartment is small & awkward to fit 2200 4S battery secured properly. I also had to add some weight to the nose to get the planes cg correct. Flying weight advertised is excluding battery my actual flying weight with battery and added weight to get cg correct is 1600 grams. Plane flys well 1.6kgs but I recommend at least 50c 4S 2200mah battery. I tried 30c, 60c and 70c batteries. 30c does not provide enough punch for this plane at this weight. Overall, a nice looking plane that can do any aerobatic manoeuvres you through at it.
Comentários (3)
  • martingkenny Update: Plane flexes to much during Aerobatic manoeuvres making it dangerous to fly!

    Resposta 26/08/2020
  • BG352341418 would it be ok as 1st 3D plane though? where are you located? do you have more pics and video of the plane?

    Resposta 12/11/2020
  • BG751375583 I'm looking for fuselarge for this plain

    Resposta 25/12/2020
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