Fatshark FPV Goggles Conjunto de lentes de dioptria de lentes corretivas -2 -4 -6 compatível com Eachine EV200D EV300D

Kenny56DTC Escreveu 2930 dias atrás.


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    • Para einyaa 05/09/2016 As nearsighted with -2.75 on both eyes, the -2.0 diopter lenses in this kit is making my world even greater than before. Without correction I could still see a clear image in the Skyzone V2. But with the lenses the eyes are relaxing and the picture is knife-sharp. Somewhat larger and further away, just like in a cinema when sitting in the middle row. The issue with fogging is also less than before, probably because the eyes are relaxing and generating less blood circulation which again creates more
    • Para vivodesercreativo 13/08/2019 Perfect for my 1,75 miopy in both eyes, I use the -2.00 in the HDO and fits at perfection and protect in some way the original lens .... Its f**king crazy the improvement.... worth the price 4 sure.... LUV IT ;)
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