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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
BG143684293 03/03/2023
The best sub-250g FPV bi-motor, no need to modify or upgrade anything apart from removing some foam in the fuselage to fit my 850mAh 3S battery. Powerful, nimble, stable (no FC nor gyro required), can fly and land almost anywhere. Quite robust as well, I had mines beaten up in trees many times, broke the wing and torn motor away, glued it back and flies as if nothing happen. Always one ready to fly in the car !
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