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These are actually very good when you fully understand what they were intended for. They are intended as individual letters for a sign. That is why there are not enough led's to actually fill the board of 49 positions, there are only 40 led's supplied. I have not assembled it yet so can't comment on how good it actually is.For the full instructions on how to assemble this look on here The only two things that you actually need to know to assemble it is that the rectangular pad connects to the shortest LED pin.The pins of other LED are inserted into the corresponding pads in sequence. The other is the little square switch needs to go with the little ribs on the switch facing down towards S1. Everything else is self explanatory.
ótimo valor para o dinheiro. veio na sua própria pequena caixa de armazenamento. Todos os componentes lá. Estou ansioso por construir este.