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  • 11/11/2018

    Received my kit, box crushed on one side, but thankfully did not affect the contents. I am looking forward to starting this kit, being my 6th one to complete. Looking at the contents, there are a lot of plants, and fiddle bits to make. Lots of time and patience and I am sure I will muddle through. Again I must say, things would be a tad bit easier if there were English instructions available. As I have noticed some other of the kits available, English instruction have become available....ah well. I hope later they will see that all their kits need them. The quality of the kit is as always superb. Ans I am sure it will look fabulous once completed. I would fully recommend only adults tackle this kits.

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  • 12/02/2019

    Just like expected, great product and fast shipping. Too bad the booklet doesn't tell you every little detail (it starts off great but at the end it lacks) but there are enough youtube video's around to provide some help.

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