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Wrongway 30/10/2020
These are great, they work well and they are relatively quiet. I have a few of the metal housing differentials and I like these better, these dont rob as much power. Use these axles, the 2 speed transfer case, and the 30 amp esc with brake for the brushed motor and it makes a very nice capable crawler. Not a speed demon but will practically climb the side of your house.
Comentários (2)
  • RickyWittner I have that setup on a c24 and I run a 1300mah 75c 3s to rip it around lol. I agree, but I'm wondering about the black metal axles that look like stock plastic ones? do you have those also? how are they?

    Resposta 16/07/2021
  • Wrongway @RickyWittner Yes I have those too. Those are actually my favorite now. They look and perform the best of all the plastic or metal housings. Pretty pricey though.

    Resposta 20/01/2022
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