
SRamakrishnan it is not stable for DC current especially for solar. measuring dc current in solar wire gives fluctuating results

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SRamakrishnan you might need to adjust the trimpot by setting the voltmeter pot to 0 turn left fully and turn trimpot to set. ref voltage of 0

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Q: Can I use 12V 3A transformer for power supply for it?????

perguntado por Wrestling TV sobre 2019-03-22 07:57:29

SRamakrishnan yes, 0-12v will give output of 15 to 17v

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Q: good week how is the installation of the voltmeter display and the ammeter?

perguntado por jeronimo abreu sobre 2018-03-03 12:56:42

SRamakrishnan optional formeasurement. good to have multimeter

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