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  • 20/03/2015

    This is a great headlamp. It doesn't weigh much, but is still able to put out lots of light. It's comfortable. And of course it's very bright! It has a great light distribution pattern: a strong central beam for long-distance viewing, and a good amount of flood light for everything nearby. There are several modes to adjust the brightness and which LEDs are being used. I should note that it is not actually 5000 lm. Actually, it is nowhere near that. It is somewhere around 1000 lm. I have several calibrated light sources whose lumen values I know for sure to an accuracy of about 5%, and after doing several comparison tests, I'd say this headlamp is somewhere around 1000 lm. For example, I have a flashlight that I know to be 4000 lm, and when it's on you can barely tell that this headlamp is on. To put it in perspective, if this headlamp were actually putting out 5000 lm, then it'd have to consume about 50W because mainstream LEDs currently max out at about 100 lm/W. That is a large amount of power for a small headlamp, and if it were actually consuming that much without any decent means of heat dissipation (like a fan) then this headlamp would get extremely hot and either melt or catch on fire. So, even though the brightness rating is wildly exaggerated, it's still a great headlamp for the price.

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  • 10/04/2015

    if your looking for a Headlamp then this is it, it's very comfortable to wear, extremely bright and so lights up a very large area and also comes with beam strength switching making this is a great buy..... very pleased with this purchase, I think you will be too.

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