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jeever 03/09/2023
Too bad, very bad that this multimeter fails when measuring small capacitors. You can only reliably measure from 10 nF and up. All other measurement functions meet the specifications excellently. Working with the IR camera, with the logger and with the software is also all excellent, although we would have liked to see the accuracy of the IR sensor a bit better. Our advice to the manufacturer is to include in a future version of the firmware the 'REL' function present in almost every multimeter. That could solve the problems when measuring small capacitors and could also compensate for the parasitic resistance of the test leads when measuring small resistances. Our conclusion is that we find the ET12S an excellent little meter for everyday hobby electronics work. However, do not use it extensively in mains voltage circuits, because we find the input circuitry a bit too fragile to confidently recommend using it in 230 V systems.
Comentários (3)
  • Banggood Dear Customer, Thank you for your feedback and we are really sorry for all the inconvenienced caused during your shopping and looking forward to solve your problem. We have already received your feedback for the order. We would like to try our best to provide you the best solutions. For this reason, if your questions have not been solved yet, please do not hesitate to contact us via the link: https://www.banggood.com/es/Contact-Us_hi111 and provide more details about your question so that we can confirm the case as soon as possible and solve it efficiently. And we will reply and offer you the best solutions after receiving your email within 24-48 hours. Best regards, Banggood Team

  • Peter Manythanks to the reviewer for his excellent reviews.

    Resposta 16/10/2023
  • REXX5000 very very nice review 👍

    Resposta 24/01/2024
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