BG321918131 Ele vem com switch removivel?
Resposta 01/09/2020brunolieuthier ele tem bluetooth?
Resposta 14/09/2020BG151239221 is the yellow switch that you offer is the fastest switches right
Resposta 12/11/2020BG458388824 are they cherry or gateron switches ?
Resposta 12/11/2020BG574034104 well ye in actuation force, not actuation point
Resposta 16/11/2020Pedrinholucasjustino Nice
Resposta 27/11/2020BG323487121 They are in gateron switches
Resposta 19/12/2020BG208433384 Hey dude how did you change them lights to purple
Resposta 27/12/2020BG365284739 what are the differences between the coloured switches?
Resposta 05/01/2021finncasey silver are actually smoother and as fast
Resposta 12/01/2021finncasey some are smoother and clickier , I have one and the best is silver or yellow
Resposta 12/01/2021BG508341715 ele vem com switch yellow
Resposta 24/01/2021Cauê Fernandes 180meu amigooooo, agora ta 400 pila
Resposta 28/01/2021BG442438501 vc indica ou tem melhores do mesmo preço , e ele faz mt barulho , quero comprar um barulhento acho satisfatorio ma hora de jogar
Resposta 29/01/2021BG135411165 depende do switch amigo, o mais barulhento é o blue
Resposta 06/02/2021BG354845184 why yellow and white case not in storage i need this ;(
Resposta 14/02/2021
I want to order
the white version. does it really take 1 whole month to ship to the uk ?
BG818381612 are the stabilizers good??
Resposta 10/03/2021BG414946171 mano em quanto tempo chegou ?
Resposta 16/03/2021BG524379165 pl
Resposta 15/09/2022BG133221612 has anyone ver been taxed on The keyboard?
Resposta 12/12/2023BG133221612 @BG321918131 ss eu acho
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