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Orange_1 08/06/2021
Great keychain flashlight. I have Nitecore TIKI, JeatBeam Mini One, RovyVon Aurora A5, and this Seeknite S11 is the brightest of all on turbo mode. It says its 6500 but its about 5500. Very nice tint. Two clicks to turn it ON. Long press while flashlight is off and hold to get into turbo mode. Three clicks to get side white light on then each another click to get white light strobe, UV, red light on, red light strobe, and red/blue strobe. It's a little bigger than others three but anyway it's best so far. There is green led under on/off button and it's on for a few seconds when you turn on the flashing then goes off after a few seconds. When it's charging this under on/off button led shines red. When it's full it goes green. It has usb C charging port. And two little magnets on the landyard hole.
Comentários (2)
  • CSv Thanks for the review, especially the pic of all flashlights in one frame. Already have the other 3.
    Is it better than rovyvon? i really like the rovyvon's side light in the new A5x

    Resposta 01/02/2022
  • CSv how is the side white light? really like the side light in the rovyvon A5x.
    Thank u very muchfor the pictures

    Resposta 01/02/2022
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