BG145413652 is it shock adapter only or shock absorber. the photo shows a shock absorber.while in descriptions only adapter.which is which?.
Resposta 11/11/2020Minifig77 Shocks
Resposta 12/01/2021BG114161278 what is the hose for?
Resposta 08/02/2021Minifig77 i used it in the eye holes top and bottom. cutting it in pieces big enough to fit in hole. allows shocks to flex with suspension without popping off.
Resposta 09/02/2021BG431416837 do I fill them with oil? what kind of oil? thanks
Resposta 04/03/2021Minifig77 Shock oil. It comes in different weights. you can get at local hobby shop, or online suppier.
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