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amigawolf 05/11/2019
Great very little Solder Station without Switching Power Supply Board, you need your own 12 or 24V Power Supply. Tested it with my 24v 5A 120w AC Adapter Power Supply, and works perfect, the T12-K Iron bit looks and works good, the Quicko T12-942 with T12-K Iron bit warms up fast with a 24v Power Supply, it took only 14 seconds to go from 20c to 360, display is good and is easy to read and menu is also very easy and simple to use. Great very little Solder Station if you have a 12v to 24 Power Supply with AC Adapter laying around, if not i would recommend the QUICKO STM32-OLED Soldering Station, i am using it for if my MINI TS100 solder iron stops working.
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