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ElementW 19/02/2021
Works well, but a bit difficult to get right on Linux. Has noticeable latency (at least 200 ms), so not for real-time capture. Based on the Macro Silicon MS2109 chip, without heatsink (it gets hot). Claims to be USB3 but the connector, although blue, doesn't have high speed lanes, nor does it signal USB3 compatibility as the MS2109 is a USB2 chip; which is enough anyway if you use MJPEG @ 1080p30. Reportedly supports HDCP content decoding.
Comentários (7)
  • purplehuy OMG thank you for the in-depth review. It really help

    Resposta 06/11/2021
  • Doug Thanksfor usb2 info. you just saved me a wasted purchase. Have you found a true usb3 device? Please recommend if you can.

    Resposta 08/11/2021
  • BrickFACE Absolute champion!

    Resposta 16/11/2021
  • 9kish BEST Customer 😂❤️

    Resposta 06/01/2022
  • BG401034101 What a truthful friend

    Resposta 21/01/2022
  • BG167371003Magu Awesome in-depth review. It really help 😀👍

    Resposta 11/07/2022
  • Alkyon85 thx

    Resposta 10/11/2022
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