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lthium2 28/11/2017
overall dimensions is accurate. see how wrong it is to fitted as in picture? the upper section of the male barb were not long enough to accommodate both the rubber ring and the cap. you have to cut away the tag if you use the full section of thread.
Comentários (2)
  • Banggood Dear lthium2,Thank you for choosing Banggood and sorry for your any inconvenience came up with the product.First I recommend you to check again the product page to detect any discrepancies between the information displayed there and the item you received. If the product you received doesn’t match its description or pictures, please do not hesitate to contact us http://www.banggood.com/Contact-Us_hi111We would highly appreciate if you could send us all the information listed here below: 1.Some photos of the shipping label, which can be found on the external side of the package;2.The SKU number of the products you received. You can find this information on the label placed on the item itself;3.Some photos or video to show the entity of the problem;4.The order number and the product ID.Hoping your kindly understanding, we wish you have a nice day.

  • lthium2 appreciated with you quick reply. this is spare for my stock pile. no inconveniences arises from my side. just information for other buyer if they're after detail in their work. the only down side was https://www.banggood.com/M10-x-1_00mm-Motorcycle-Bike-Brake-Caliper-Bleed-Screw-Nipple-p-999108.html?cur_warehouse=CN a good 3.8mm shorter than advertised. too small to make farce out it. nice day to you too.

    Resposta 28/11/2017
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