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This is a well built Helicopter. It is a Gartt G-450L. The L stands for long. the tail is longer than a normal 450 to accommodate the longer rotor blades. It has a Radiolink Mini PIX F4 Flight Controller. The setup can be saved to mission planner for use on other helicopters. The radio is 10/12 channel. Out of the box it is 10. With a firmware update it becomes a 12 channel. Mine came mode 2 with a sprung throw, which means it has a spring to the middle like a quad would. The Heli is very stable, but it did not come with instructions. I found some information on you tube in what I believed to be Vietnamese or Taiwanese. That i was able to extract the information i needed to get airbourne. Hear is what i got. First turn all the radio switches to the up or back position. Then switch the far left front switch to the down position. Turn on the radio. Plug in the battery of the helicopter. Wait for the light in the back of the gyro to go to blue. Push the red button on the side. switch your top right, front switch to the center position. Wait for the light to the rear of the gyro to turn green, When it turns green clear the flight area. Move the throttle down and to right, hold for 3 seconds. Release. then switch the front far left switch up. Hold the throttle straight down. the blades should spin up. Hold throw north of center to take off. The return home switch is the top left rear flip it forward. No that it will land near wear it took off from so make sure that area is clear. the helicopter should power down after landing. I would place the far left in the down position for safety. I hope this helps you guys. It is well worth the money. The helicopter by its self is worth what I paid for it. You get a $90 radio and a battery to go with it.