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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
BG013015146 13/01/2022
super fffffast! This is definitely NOT for beginners and it's a lot a fun. Technically it is a parkflyer but compared to a Trojan and a BF109 parkflyers I have, this plane is fast, Luke flying those models above 50% throttle all the time. And you have to fly fast because inherently the shape of the plane has a higher stall speed than those models. With the Trojan, I usually land on a street or on dirt but with this plane I don't see myself landing using the landing gear, at least not before a lot of practice. But this plane is a lookout of fun, super fast, and looks so cool when it passes. You can use it with a multi module radio like the tx16s with protocol v761 using the low power option. I originally had a problem with this delivery but things worked out fine. The package was initially marked as delivered by the delivery company but I had received nothing. Two days passed and I still received nothing. I was very upset and reached out to Banggood customer service. They offered to give me a refund and I accepted, but later that day, during the evening, the delivery company finally brought the item and everything worked out. I canceled the refund and I'm much happier with my f16. Not sure if customer service reached out to the delivery company but in the end they decided to show up and that's really cool. I called off the refund.
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