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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
Bane 13/09/2023
High quality rail clampes. They work perfectly on my small CNC MFT style workbench. Clamping through bench holes or at the side of workbench with very strong force. Fits on my track saw guide rail, it is a PARKSIDE rail but the rail channel is standard dimension like FESTOL or MAKITA. I am delighted with the various possibilities of use of these clamps with MFT table. Excellent value for money, very good quality, I will buy one more pair, I definitely recommend them!
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