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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
fz888 28/07/2022
This projector is a light cannon. Super bright and image quality is fantastic. Day time is very watchable. Night time with lights off you will want to switch to eco mode. Fast delivery from Bangood. Recommended purchase and the seller.
Comentários (1)
  • Carginga Any luck with HDR10+ playback?
    Personally I can't get HDR10+ working so any suggestions greatly appreciated.
    Have you had a chance to test out 3D?
    3D BluRay not supported. Just wondering what settings and file types if you have it working.

    Resposta 05/08/2022
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