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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
loksmaster 29/08/2018
Упаковка (пластиковый пенал и поролон) спасают инструмент от повреждения при перевозке. Визуально: инструмент сделан качественно но требует небольшой доводки ( прочистки всех отверстий). Надо проверять работоспособность.
Comentários (1)
  • Banggood Dear loksmaster, Thank you for choosing Banggood and sorry for the inconvenience caused. We have forwarded your feedback to our customer service team and will give you a proper solution within 24-48 hours.  If you have any other inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us by filling out the form at this link:  http://www.banggood.com/Contact-Us_hi111 We will do our best to assist you.  Best regards, Banggood Team

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