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  • 30/08/2015

    This tummy wrap absolutely works -- actually helped my back pain. I'm a plus size and wished these came in larger size. Tried the XL and XXL -- both are a tight fit. However, if you stretch it very hard, it will wrap around. But being a plus size, it tends to rise & fold over, resulting in uncomfortable fit. If you're not plus size, these are perfect for you. I highly recommend this item. Thank you.

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  • 09/02/2015

    I bought this on a whim, not really knowing what it would actually do for me, but it really help to slim my tummy. I have this weird crease in my stomach and it seems to be helping to get rid of it. I wear it to bed at night, and when I wake up my stomach is tighter looking, and my crease is faded. Be careful not to wrap it to tight. When I'm awake just doing chores around the house I use the extra straps so I can adjust it if it hurts, but to bed I only wear the big part and don't tighten the straps.

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