Módulo GPS BN-800 com suporte para GPS GLONASS BeiDou para Pixhawk APM
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From what I read in the ublox manual and how this receiver behaves, it is a M8M and not an M8N. Also there is no "EXT CORE 2.01" message on boot which would be expected from an M8N but not an M8M. The difference is that the M8M version does not have nonvolatile flash memory to store the configuration. The receiver only stores settings in On-chip BBR (battery backed RAM) which lasts as long as the installed battery, certainly not over night if switched off. Although the systems runs very nicely, I can only give two stars for quality with this seemingly being not the product announced.
Lo compre ya que tenia problemas con el gps de serie del cheerson cx20. Este me impresionó, muy rapido en detectar satelites, ahora estoy dentro de la casa desde el MP y me detecta 14... muy por encima al que tenia el cheerson. Compra recomendada