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This display works on RPI B+ as well as on RPI 2 B+, Simply follow this instructions to install the driver on Raspian: Here you find information on how to calibrate the touch screen as it will be slightly out of sync for sure: Finally you might want to install a virtual keyboard to use the RPi completely stand alone:
Very easy to put at work. Just follow the instructions provided here: You will find it easy if you have Raspian Jessie 160520, or the older one 151102. You copy LCD-show-160520.tar.gz or LCD-show-151102.tar.gz according to the jessie version, you put this in home/pi directory, extract the archive and you'll find an LCD-show directory. moving to that directory by cd LCD-show, you have one command to direct the output to the LCD, and one to revert back to the HDMI. sudo ./LCD-show for the LCD sudo ./LCD-hdmi to revert to the screen. That's it