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amigawolf 23/04/2019
Just tested it with a 9v battery and with a self made 24v battery pack, and he is working perfect. Just tested it with my Miniware TS100 solder Iron, on my self made 24v battery pack, and when i power on the solder iron he takes about 2.4A from the 24v battery pack, and that is about 57.6W, a little bit less then when i use my Geekcreit 4A To 6A 24V Switching Power Supply Board. The only thing i got a problem with is that the back light is not working when you put electricity on the 18650 26650 Lithium Li-ion Battery Tester LCD Meter Voltage Current Capacity, you have to put a pin or some ting small and long into a hole on the back to get the back light working, but you cannot do that when you put it into a case with the battery pack. And that is the reason i have taken of one star, because you cannot use it when you do not have light shining onto the little display.
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